NGEE Arctic Plant Traits: Soil Temperature and Moisture, Kougarok Road Mile Marker 64, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2016-2022

NGEE Arctic Record ID: NGA049
Data Version: 1.0

Data includes soil temperature and soil moisture measured at the Kougarok hill slope located at Kougarok Road, Mile Marker 64. Most measurements are from monitoring stations with permanently installed probes though the data also includes single point measurements from handheld devices. Data collection began in July 2016 and was completed October 2022. The final version of this dataset was archive in 2023. This dataset includes two csv files and one pdf.

The Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments: Arctic (NGEE Arctic), was a research effort to reduce uncertainty in Earth System Models by developing a predictive understanding of carbon-rich Arctic ecosystems and feedbacks to climate. NGEE Arctic was supported by the Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research.

The NGEE Arctic project had two field research sites: 1) located within the Arctic polygonal tundra coastal region on the Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO) and the North Slope near Utqiagvik (Barrow), Alaska and 2) multiple areas on the discontinuous permafrost region of the Seward Peninsula north of Nome, Alaska.

Through observations, experiments, and synthesis with existing datasets, NGEE Arctic provided an enhanced knowledge base for multi-scale modeling and contributed to improved process representation at global pan-Arctic scales within the Department of Energy's Earth system Model (the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, or E3SM), and specifically within the E3SM Land Model component (ELM).

Colleen Iversen ( 0000-0001-8293-3450
Verity Salmon ( 0000-0002-2188-551X
Amy Breen ( 0000-0002-1109-3906
Holly VanderStel () 0000-0003-0077-3858
Stan Wullschleger ( 0000-0002-9869-0446
Dataset Citation
Colleen Iversen, Verity Salmon, Amy Breen, Holly VanderStel, Stan Wullschleger. 2018. NGEE Arctic Plant Traits: Soil Temperature and Moisture, Kougarok Road Mile Marker 64, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2016-2022. Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic Data Collection, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Dataset accessed on [INSERT_DATE] at
2016-07-02 - 2022-10-06
Geographic Location
NGEE Arctic Kougarok Site, Mile Marker 64, Alaska
Place Keywords:
Seward Peninsula | Alaska | Kougarok Road
Subject Keywords:
GCMD Keywords
HOBO micro-stations (H21-002) were installed for continuous monitoring of soil temperature and moisture. The stations were placed within a 10" x 8" x 6" water-tight plastic enclosure, and the wires for the probes were run from the enclosure through a liquid-tight flexible steel conduit. We installed HOBO stations upslope of 10 vegetation plots (see 'Waypoints for intensive and reference plots' and 'Ecotypes and wx stations' tabs for more information on locations). Each HOBO station has one moisture probe (S-SMD-M005) and one temperature probe (S-TMB-M002). A soil face was made by cutting out an approximately 30 cm x 30 cm soil pit, and the probes were installed into the face on the opposite side from the HOBO station. The temperature probe was installed horizontally at 2 cm depth, and the moisture probe was installed horizontally (though the probe itself was oriented vertically), with the top of the probe at 8 cm depth. Prior to installation, each sensor was tested in distilled water for moisture and temperature readout (both were within the given specs for each of the 10 stations). The sensors were then launched with the clock set to Alaskan standard time, and asked to log every 30 minutes. The day after installation, data was downloaded from station H using the HOBO shuttle (U-DT-1), and the data looked good. The first 24 hours of recorded measurements from each plot (dates 7/5/2016 and 7/6/2016) were discarded to ensure the sensors had equilibrated to the soil environment. Single point measurements of soil moisture were also made periodically at vegetation plots and near HOBO monitoring stations using a handheld TDR probe.
Related References
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Metadata Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the data.
Person: Verity Salmon
Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Point of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the data.
Person: Colleen Iversen
Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dataset Usage Rights
Public Datasets

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Distribution Point of Contact
Contact: Data Center Support
Organization: Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE) Arctic Project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory